Friday, 10 December 2010

Boycott Amazon NOW!

Hello Amazon?  Do you sell dictionaries?  Open one up and read me the definition of "irony".  Great.  Now find a copy of the US Constitution and take a look at the first amendment- it says something about freedom of the press and of speech right?  You guys are all for that aren't you?  I mean, if it weren't for the First Amendment you'd mostly be selling cat calendars and bibles.  You are pretty much the digital embodiment of the power of printed word so you'll excuse me when I say:

What the FUCK are you doing pulling WikiLeaks from your servers?!

Especially, I might add, since a corrupt old fuck like Joe Lieberman told you to?  Joe Fucking Lieberman?  The poster-boy for spineless self-interest and political pandering?  Are you fucking serious Amazon?  Give yourself a slap and grow a pair.

You people owe your very existence to the principles you are now denying.  You have caved to pressure from a government that got its ego bruised.  Would you pull Howl, The Catcher in the Rye or The Grapes of Wrath if some crooked Senator asked you to?  The government didn't like what those books said either and managed, with the complicit support of weak-willed sheep such as yourselves, to have them banned.

In light of your staggering act of political cowardice, let me just say that even though it is going to make my holiday shopping about 1000% more difficult, Amazon you will not be getting a single dollar or pound of my cash for the foreseeable future.

I know you don't give a shit- that's your problem.  You'll never notice that I didn't drop $250 on books and a new Kindle but the one or two people that read this blog will- as will my friends and their friends and my colleagues at work and so on.  Goodwill squandered is not easily replaced.

It is an exaggeration to say we have nothing to fear but fear itself, but correct to say that we have lots to fear from cowardice.
        - Brendan Keenan

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