Thursday, 9 December 2010

Total so far

The Republican's are not even technically in control of Congress yet but they have already chalked up some impressive victories:
  • Extending tax cuts to the super rich- all over but the shouting
  • Raising the inheritance tax threshold to $5 million- all but done
  • Keeping "Don't ask, don't tell" in place- check
  • Block health care for 9/11 rescue workers- check
  • Blocking a sensible path to citizenship for illegal immigrant students- check
  • Killing the new arms control treaty- in progress
  • Revoking or gutting (more so) health care reform- you betcha, stay tuned
Take my word for it, the US is doomed.  The next two years will be host to an unprecedented display of right-wing excess and insanity.  Obama will be a one-term President and his Tea-Party endorsed successor will preside over a cataclysmic shift toward an American Theocracy.

The US is an empire in decline, ruled by religious madmen, well armed and looking for a fight.  They have become their enemy not by coercion or force but by choice and willful ignorance.  Shouting and waving banners they walked happily into the flames.

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